If a person were dropped off in the middle of a mine field, what would be the best way to escape on foot?

If a person were dropped off in the middle of a mine field, what would be the best way to escape on fo… by Bart Bols

Answer by Bart Bols:

If there is no help available…

lay down on your belly and crawl out, never let your belly stop touching the floor (don’t lift yourself up by your elbows or hands or knees, but pull yourself forward)

If you can find a stick longer then 20 cm you can use it to probe diagonally (never probe straight down) or to pull yourself forward into mine cleared terrain.

Probe with your hands for mines on the surface, if you cant find a mine within the first 5 cm of the path you are creating, it wont blow up as long as you dont place pressure on it with your elbows, hands, feet or knees. replace the dirt and advance.

If you notice the desire for carelessness or ‘hurrying up’, stop… rest, drink and eat if available and advance when rested.

If the weather is hot and sunny take off your undershirt or undergarment and make sure to cover your head and spine at all times… getting heatstroke is not something you can afford right now.

If the weather is rainy and the soil is getting muddy and you can afford to wait then stop and try to sit out most of the rain. Rain will make it harder to see and find mines plus make it easier to place too much weight on an undetected mine and set it off. really muddy soil when there is no rain helps detecting mines but makes the crawl to spread weight method unreliable.

If you detect a mine, uncover but leave it… put down a flag or marker, even half burying part of your clothing or any other clearly visible marker works (stack of stones? recognizable pile of dirt in a cone shape?), then trace around it.

if you found a couple mines try to find a pattern in the mines, By Geneva conventions mine fields are laid in alternating patterns, if you figure out the pattern you can avoid 90% of the mines on your fastest way out… not every mine field abides by Geneva conventions though.

If a person were dropped off in the middle of a mine field, what would be the best way to escape on foot?

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